How to override a decision?
As you can see from the image below, if you have the right permissions and a decision comes back in status 2 you can “Approve Decision” or “Reject Decision” and leave some notes using the “Add note” feature:
Adding a Note when changing a decision
A user can add as many notes as they wish before they change the outcome:
1. Enter text in the box.
2. Click ‘Add Note’
This will save the note and then display a ‘Decision Updates’ table showing all notes and other details for the referred decision:
3. If there is no text to add, the Add Note button will not function.
4. You can add notes multiple times to communicate information and document workflows or audit details.
Changing a Decision Outcome
Users will be able to change the decision outcome to either an Approve or Reject, in this example we have ‘Approve Decision’ and ‘Reject Decision’ as options:
- Add a note about the decision (this is not mandatory)
- Choose to Approve the decision, or
- Choose to Reject the decision.
New Success Pop-up Modal Window
When you are changing the outcome of a Referred decision to either Manually Approved or Manually Rejected, we have added a “Decision Updated” pop-up modal window to provide a clear visual of the decision you have successfully updated. The call to action provided on the Pop-up modal window will redirect you to the page where you can view the complete details on the last updated decision, and you can navigate back to the source page to act on other referred decisions.
The purpose of this change is to make the user interface more intuitive and prevent users from losing sight of the decision they took on referred outcomes.
You will see the below 2 calls to action on the "Decision Updated" pop-up modal window when you are navigating from the Referred Decisions page to update a referred decision.
1. "View Decision Report"
2. "Back to Referred Decisions"
If you are navigating from the Decision History page to update a referred decision, then you must see the below 2 calls to action on the "Decision Updated" pop-up modal window.
1. "View Decision Report"
2. "Back to Decision History"
Selecting the ‘View Decision Report’ will navigate you to the Single View Decision page (Decision Details Report) from the "Decision Updated" modal window itself to view the complete Decision details.
On selecting the “Back to Referred Decisions” button will navigate you to the default list view of the Referred Decisions page.
On selecting the “Back to Decision History” button will navigate you to the default list view of the Decision History page.
Note: The referred decision record must be updated with the latest decision and be available on the Decision History list.
These actions will save the note to the decision (as above) and change the outcome of the decision to reflect the choice made.
After changing the status of a decision, the functionality to change a decision is removed from the screen.
You must view the below details displayed in the "Decision Updates" section:
1. 'Decision Date’: The date on which the original decision was made.
2. 'Original Decision’: Original Decision is going to be the default 'Refer.'
3. 'Decision Maker’: User [Contact name (User ID)] who ran the decision.
4. 'Modified Date’: Date on which either a note was added, a manual decision was taken, or both.
5. 'Updated Decision’: Decision updated to either 'Manually Approved" or "Manually Rejected."
6. 'Updated By’: User [Contact name (User ID)] who added the notes or updated the decision manually.
7. 'Notes’: Captures the notes added by the user during reviewing the decision or while updating it.
Note: The most recent update on the referred decision will be displayed at the top of the table in the “Decision Updates” section. The decision update records must be sorted in descending order based on their modification date.
Editing a decision from the Decision History screen
Users with the correct permission will be able to expand an editable referred decision and then edit it in the same way as from the Referred Decisions page earlier:
- Expand an editable decision by clicking the ‘pencil’ or the down chevron.
- Type a note.
- Save the note.
- Accept the Decision, or
- Reject the Decision
Carrying out these actions will change the status of a decision and display the related changes in a table: