You can view recent decisions and the entire history of all checks made within your company. Select Check & Decide from the navigation menu on the left-hand side and then select the “Decision History” sub-tab to see the list of all the latest decisions and the history.  

Landing Page


The Check & Decide – Decision History displays information about all the decisions that have been made. You will be able to see the key details, such as:  

  • Date = When the original decision was requested.  
  • Decision Modified Date = Date on which either a note was added, or a manual decision was taken or both
  • User = The name of the user who ran the decision. 
  • Company ID = The company ID the decision was made against.
  • Company Name = The company name the decision was made against.  
  • Model = The name of the model 
  • Decision = The decision outcome 


  1. The "Decision Modified Date" column displays a hyphen ('-') before any referred decision is updated or modified.
  2. For any other decision outcomes apart from "Refer", the "Decision Modified Date" column must always display a hyphen ('-').
  3. A date would be reflected in the "Decision Modified Date" column when a referred decision is updated or modified, a note is added on a referred decision or both.

Filter History Results with Advanced Search Criteria

The Decision filter label is updated from "Status" to "Decision Outcome" in the Search Decision History additional criteria.

When you select the "Decision Outcome" dropdown, the default value displayed will be "All" and you can select any other dropdown values based on your search requirement.

You will see the below list items in the “Decision Outcome” dropdown to filter with. You can select any of the list values to filter the results on the Check & Decide – Decision History section.

  • All
  • Accepted
  • Referred
  • Rejected
  • Manually Approved
  • Manually Rejected

The filtered results are displayed in the Check & Decide – Decision History section.

Check & Decide - Decision History Section 

Expanding each decision displays the Rule Name and Audit Description for all checks in the decision model applied.  In addition to that, the “Decision Details” card would be displayed to indicate the Decision Model and Input value used during the last decision run.

We display a tooltip that states "View Outcome" when you hover over the downward chevron (For Accept, Reject, Refer (for user with no permission to update a referred decision), Manually Approved, and Manually Rejected outcomes) 

Note: No Pencil/Edit icon would be displayed along with the Chevron if the user does not have the required permission to update a referred decision.


We will display a tooltip that states "View and Update" when you hover over the downward chevron/pencil icon (For Refer decision outcome).

This is applicable only to users with permission to manually update a referred decision.

Once the decision history record is expanded, we display a tooltip that states “Hide” when you hover over the upward chevron. Selecting the upward chevron will minimize/collapse the window and revert to the default list view.

Upon expanding a decision record, you will see two calls to action labeled as “Re-Run Decision” and “View Decision Report” in the top right corner of the Decision Outcome card.