To add an entity to ongoing monitoring click the ‘Add’ button next to the entity you would like to add. 

All entries are monitored on a nightly basis. Upon selecting the ‘Add’ button you will be prompted to select what you would like the monitoring threshold to be. This just means how relevant the results returned will be - for instance if you choose to monitor ‘ABC Corp’ at 85% threshold, you may get results for ‘ABC Ltd’ or ‘BAC Corp’. However if you monitor ABC Corp at 100%, you’ll only get notified if there is a profile with the exact same name including spelling. 

It is completely up to the user at what threshold they would like to monitor but the vast majority of users recommend 85%. With this in mind our monitoring automatically defaults to 85%.

Once an entity is added to monitoring it can be removed by selecting the same button which will now read ‘Remove’. 

You may also opt-in to receive email alerts for records being monitored, as per below:

To see the full list of entities being monitored select ‘Monitoring’ on the left hand menu. 

This is a full list of all entities being monitored. If you would like to just see in the entities with alerts, you can select ‘View Alerts Only’ in the top right hand corner. You can select whether you would like to view Businesses or Individuals by selecting the corresponding tab.

The following information will be displayed for all entities:

  1. Business Name/Full Individual Name 
  2. City
  3. Associated Profile 
  4. Date Added
  5. Number of alerts

If you would like to review any of the updates you can select the ‘Review Updates’ button and Protect will display the list of new profiles that may match your search criteria.

Similar to the results page the ‘Review Updates’ page will display:

  1. Name 
  2. Match (Relevancy Score)
  3. DOB (Individual Only)
  4. Reason Listed

Any potential matches not selected will automatically be added to an accept list so they won’t appear in future alerts. If none of the results are relevant simply click ‘Discount All Results’ in the bottom right hand corner.

You can also use the monitor page to remove multiple entities from monitoring all at once. Click the check box marked ‘Remove from Monitoring’  and then ‘Remove Search From Monitoring in the bottom right hand corner.