Creditsafe Trace is a single source tracing solution that allows the user to access one of the widest and most current range of population data available. 

Uses of Creditsafe Trace:

  • Find people
  • Confirm contact details
  • Employee background checks
  • Search for people via telephone numbers

Trace utilises the following:

  • Current & Historic Electoral Roll
  • Personal Identifiable Information
  • Date Of Births
  • NDR (National Deceased Register)
  • Goneaway
  • Insolvency
  • Emails
  • UK Landline Numbers (BT OSIS)
  • Mobile Numbers

*Please note that all users of Creditsafe Trace must be registered with the DPA by law.

Trace Charging Model:

Please Note: The Trace product works on a “click model” meaning that each button clicked, regardless of the result, will incur a charge of 1 credit. However, once a successful search has been carried out, the user can cycle through the results at both “street” and “entry” levels for no charge whatsoever.

Scrolling through any search results = No charge

Trace Click Model:

Every button marked below on the screenshots will incur a charge of 1 credit regardless of the result. You can

also hover over a button to reveal if it will incur a charge or not.

Trace User Guide Submission Form:

1. First Individual 

Here you can search by an individual’s personal details such as Name, D.O.B, & Age range.

2. Address

Based on your use case (please reference Use Case section), you can search by address with as little or as much information as you like, entering a full Address, just a partial Post Code or cast your net wider by searching within a certain mile radius of an address.

3. Second Individual

If your target has a very common name and returns too many results to manage, you can type the name of somebody you are sure resides with them and it will narrow-down the results considerably - this is now restricted to Name only.

4. Telephone

The Reverse Telephone Lookup allows you to enter a both landline and mobile telephone numbers and return the results registered to that number. As this uses Consent data, it can often source numbers that are XD or registered with the TPS.

5. Email

The Reverse Email Lookup allows you to enter an email address and return the results registered to that email. 

Results Page

1. Results

This is where we display the various matches at an address level, including the name of the individual registered to the address. Scroll through the results here to find your target. These can be scrolled through without incurring a credit charge.

2. Details (Entry)

Full details will be displayed of the individual and address selected, including Name, Date Of Birth, Registered Address, Address Source & Years as well as Co-Occupants.

3. Follow Up Actions

Using the buttons displayed here will allow you to append additional information to the report, each click will incur a charge of one credit. Telephone and Email addresses display as part of the initial request, however, these can be validated to confirm whether they're still live or not (includes additional information such as mobile network provider etc.).

We will also flag whether the individual is Deceased, Goneaway or Insolvent. Further information can be provided on Deceased & Insolvency.

4. Deceased/Insolvency

If deceased or insolvency information is available, clicking the View button will display the details associated with the individual at the address. This could include information such as date of death, source, district and source references for deceased or case numbers, court numbers, start and practitioner details of an insolvency.

5. History

Displays details of your last 50 searches.